Val's blog

Monday, July 03, 2006

Happy Birthday Megan

Hee, hee, hee. When I previewed the first blog, I noticed the date had changed over from July 2nd to the 3rd. It is now my daughter's 10th birthday. Wow, do I feel old. And, I guess I answered my first question of whether or not I'll ever post again! :)

Did I really just start my own Blog?!

Wow, hmmm, wasn't expecting to start a blog of my own. I just really wanted to be able to respond to my friend Miki's blog. Well, who knows, maybe this will be something I really do and enjoy and maybe this will be my one and only posting. We shall see! Seeing as how I really wasn't planning to start this right now, I guess this will be it for now. Bye, Val :)